Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Call (a re-posting)

"Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers to his harvest."
Matthew 9:38

When Jesus came upon the earth to teach
By telling stories all could comprehend,
He sent the Twelve into the world to preach;
His narrow way was not to be a trend,
But something bold to use and to defend.
And so that darkness old to Light would yield,
He called for men who truth from lies would rend:
O Master, send more workmen to the field!

The human illness, far beyond our reach,
The Doctor on the Cross the cure did blend;
The Word, by touch or words of human speech
The sick in body also sought to mend -
A Roman soldier trusted, was His friend,
And so his servant far away was healed;
A cure long-distance, Lord, to us extend:
O Master, send more workmen to the field!

At Caesarea's rock, Rock spoke for each,
The Son of Man as Son of God was kenned;
And He for them cooked fishes on the beach
Who from the throne the Spirit soon would send.
So "Father, Son and Spirit" God was penned,
No longer was Almighty God concealed;
We turn to Him for help, the knee we bend:
O Master, send more workmen to the field!

O Harvester whose vineyard has no end -
O Hidden God whose face the Christ revealed -
Call workmen brave, for You their lives to spend -
O Master, send more workmen to the field!

[Made March 17, 1995]

Yes, I posted this back in June of 2005, but I feel it was worth a re-posting.
Please remember to pray for vocations to the ordained priesthood!


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