A Hero at Work: the Encoding Monkey
My recent post dealing with the classic "three monkeys aphorism" suggested something to one of this blogg's astute readers, whose comment alludes to two kinds of hard-working primates - encoding monkeys and trunk monkeys.
However, while I am familiar with both types, this allusion may unfortunately leave some other readers outside, looking in.
At present I have no data on any of the trunk monkeys, but the encoding monkey positions came to an abrupt end last year, in a transition I mentioned at that time...
But I do have a snapshot of one of these hard-working encoding monkeys, and just to clarify the discussion, I present it here.
The Encoding Monkey At Work: See Spot. Bad Spot. Bad.

In the above photograph we see our hard-working primate friend in the regulation green shirt, sitting in front of an encoding station at ... uh ... a certain company that no longer exists. His job is to take video tapes (the professional kind) which contain "spots" - that is, the 30-second-long advertising commercials made for television - and encode them. Encoding is the process of converting such spots to a digital form. It is, as I wrote elsewhere,
Encoding has got to be one of the most boring, mind-numbing tasks ever invented ... Two or three or ten slightly different versions of the same inane actors mouthing nonsensical praises of a useless product - or some shady business - or another dozen glorifications of "preowned" vehicles...Attention had to be paid to ensure that these spots didn't contain something illicit, and certain technical elements of the spot had to be checked: various video and audio levels had to be within acceptable limits, and other things. Once the spot was encoded, I had to send it to the sites needing it - according to Subsidiarity, and that's why I'm working on that book! Ahem. I mean my software sent it out... (If you've ever seen "Tron" you'd understand.) The wrench seen in the foreground was used to pry recalcitrant tapes out from a stubborn VTR; it was NOT used in any monkey tricks.
Actually the monkeys had a lot of fun there, and provided some much-needed humor for the human employees.
(Note: the monkey shown in the above photograph is now employed as a special assistant at a different company. I see him infrequently, but he's happy to be on day shift again.)
There weren't any encoding monki harmed during the making of this posting-
were there, Doctor Thursday?
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